Hej, I'm Kris.

» I’m a Senior+ Software Engineer.
My main technical expertise is in TypeScript, JavaScript and PHP ecosystems, as well as DevOps and infrastructure topics. I’m passionate about writing high-quality documentation and creating reliable, clean & maintainable code. I deeply care about people and love driving technical design & strategy as well as providing sponsorship and mentorship to level up my team. I also really dig test-driven development and pair programming.«




Scrumpy was a project management app for agile teams, featuring Scrum and Kanban boards. I joined the Scrumpy team in September 2018 to support them with frontend and backend development

  • Laravel
  • Vuejs
  • Collaborative Editing

Haufe eAcademy

As the leader of workplace training in the German speaking world the Haufe Group started in 2019 to offer courses digitally on their new eAcademy e-learning platform

  • Docker
  • Laravel
  • React
  • Vuejs

Mit Vergnügen

Mit Vergnügen is one of Germanys biggest online magazines for local city focused culture, available in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne. From 2012 to 2018 I helped them transform a simple WordPress blog to a powerful editorial platform

  • Docker
  • Laravel
  • Vuejs
  • Leafletjs

WWF #ep2014

In 2014 the WWF launched its online campaign platform for the upcoming European Parliament elections to make candidates commit themselves to environmental protection

  • CakePHP

*This list is unfortunately not up-to-date. There were so many fascinating challenges and projects I worked on recently, but you know how it is: Writing them down and keeping everything up-to-date is quite a lot of work. Stay tuned, I'll hope to update this section very soon™.